C++17 added a feature known as structured bindings, which look like this:

auto [a, b, c] = some_aggregate;

in this case, the names a, b, and c are bound to members of the initializer. The particular details on how this occurs are not important here, but we can consider the case of std::tuple:

int sum(tuple<int, int, int> triple) {
  auto [a, b, c] = triple;
  return a + b + c;

This is particularly handy when inspecting the elements of a container of pairs:

int foo(map<string, int> mp) {
  for (auto [key, value] : mp) {
    // ...

Lambda Expressions

It wasn’t long before people realized that it’d be mighty handy if we could declare structured bindings within the parameter lists of lambda expressions:

extern bool is_good(string s, int v);

auto foo(map<string, int> items) {
  return views::filter(
    [](auto [key, value]) {
      return is_good(key, value);

The above snippet does not work, but it’d be cool if it did, right?

Making It Work

It is important to consider the fact that any function that accepts an N-tuple as a single argument is isomorphic to a function that accepts N arguments. That is: We can create a 1-to-1 mapping between functions on N-tuples to functions of arity N.

In fact, we can define this using a simple adapter object 1:

inline constexpr struct {
  template <typename F>
  constexpr auto operator%(F&& fn) const {
    return [fn](auto&& tpl) {
      return std::apply(fn, FWD(tpl));
} spread_args;

Used like this:

auto foo(map<string, int> items) {
  return views::filter(
    // Works!
    spread_args % [](auto key, auto value) {
      return is_good(key, value);

In this particular case, our lambda expression can be ditched for the inner function directly:

auto foo(map<string, int> items) {
  return views::filter(items, spread_args % is_good);


The main downside to this approach is that it doesn’t support all of the types that would work with structured bindings (i.e. aggregate types), but in the case of aggregates, the named subobjects will be much easier to work with than a dance involving std::get<N>.

This also doesn’t work if you want to mix your “destructured” parameters with other parameters. The returned closure object will always accept only a single tuple-like argument.

  1. The choice of using operator% is entirely arbitrary. I chose it here because it is an uncommon infix operator with very high precedence.

    A more robust implementation would also require something more than a simple lambda expression closure, since it would need to forward the CVR-qualifiers onto the invocable object and maintain the noexcept and constraints of the wrapped invocable.