If you’ve read my past post, Now I Am Become Perl, you know that my wildest dream feature for C++ would be an expression-lambda expression: That is: A concise lambda expression that consists of a single expression that is used as the return value of that lambda expression, plus some extras. Imagine a syntax like this:

void foo(range auto people) {
    range auto young_people_names =
      | filter([] = _1.age() < 15)
      | transform([] = _1.name());
    // ...

In this imagined syntax, the syntax [<capture-list>] "=" <expression> creates an expression-lambda expression roughly equivalent to the following:

[<capture-list>] (<magic>) mutable
    -> decltype(<expression>)
        requires requires { <expression> }
    { return <expression>; }

For example, the above expression-lambda [] = _1.age() < 15 is roughly equivalent to the following long-form lambda expression:

[] (auto&& _1) mutable
        noexcept(noexcept(_1.age() < 15))
    -> decltype(_1.age() < 15)
        requires requires { _1.age() < 15; }
    { return _1.age() < 15; }

That’s quite a lot of typing saved!

Can we simulate such a feature using only a preprocessor macro? Kind of.

Note: This solution is originally based on the macro defined by Quincunx271/TerseLambda. This version improves upon it by making use of new C++20 features.

The Naive Solution

Let’s declare a very simple macro that implements something akin to an expression-lambda:

#define TerseLambda(...)
    [&] (auto&& _1) mutable -> decltype(auto) { return __VA_ARGS__; }

(Note: end-of-line continuations have been omitted from these code samples to make syntax highlighting play nice. In the real implementation, all these newlines need to be escaped for the preprocessor definition.)

This is… okay, but entirely insufficient. Firstly: We are missing the noexcept and requires clause. While not strictly necessary, having our call operator constrained only to parameters for which the given expression is valid is hugely beneficial (and sometimes mandatory) when passing such an expression into generic APIs. This is simple enough to fix:

#define TerseLambda(...)
    [&] (auto&& _1) mutable
    -> decltype(auto)
        requires requires { __VA_ARGS__; }
    { return __VA_ARGS__; }

Now our generated terse expression-lambdas will have a correct noexcept and a requires clause.

However, we have a major downside: we must accept exactly one argument. If we want to make a terse lambda that accepts zero or more than one argument, we need to get trickier. In the above sample compiler-rewrite, I wrote <magic> in place of the lambda expression’s parameter list. This is because we need to somehow synthesize the placeholder arguments _1, _2, _3, etc. on-demand, depending on how many arguments the caller has provided, at the call site (not at the lambda definition).

Variadic Terse Lambdas

It is entirely possible to declare a lambda expression with a variadic parameter set:

[](auto&&... _args) ...

But how can we make use of this to declare our placeholders? One might think that we could get away with defaulted parameters:

struct nothing_t {};

// ...

[](auto&& _1 = nothing_t{},
   auto&& _2 = nothing_t{},
   auto&& _3 = nothing_t{}) ...

and a placeholder for an unprovided argument will be an instance of nothing_t. However: This does not work. The compiler is unable to deduce the types of the parameters from their default values. I am not sure why there is a rule that fails this deduction, but it would be a half-solution anyway. Suppose I wanted a terse-lambda like this:

foo(TerseLambda(bar("some string", _args...)));

Where we call bar with "some string" followed by every other argument passed to the call operator. If we use explicit placeholders in the parameter list, there is no _args to pass in to bar()!

To start, we can note that we never specified that the return statement is the only thing in the lambda body. We can declare our placeholders as local variables!

#define TerseLambda(...)
    [](auto&&... _args) mutable {
        auto&& _1 = nth_arg<0>(FWD(_args)...);
        auto&& _2 = nth_arg<1>(FWD(_args)...);
        auto&& _3 = nth_arg<2>(FWD(_args)...);
        auto&& _4 = nth_arg<3>(FWD(_args)...);
        return (__VA_ARGS__);

In the above, within the expansion of __VA_ARGS__ in the return statement, the _1, _2, _3, and _4 identifiers will refer to the first, second, third, and fourth lambda parameters respectively. It takes a small bit of code to implement nth_arg:

struct nothing_t {};

// Base case: No argument provided
template <int>
constexpr nothing_t nth_arg() noexcept { return {}; }

template <int N, typename Head, typename... Tail>
constexpr decltype(auto)
nth_arg(Head&& head, Tail&&... tail) noexcept {
    // If we are asking for the first arg, return that
    if constexpr (N == 0) {
        return FWD(head);
    } else {
        // Recurse
        return nth_arg<N-1>(FWD(tail)...);

In the above, if no arguments are passed to nth_arg, then we call the base case and nothing_t is returned. We’ll use nothing_t to represent that an argument has not been provided for the placeholder parameter.

And now, our TerseLambda macro works! Kind of.

Missing noexcept and requires

Obviously, our TerseLambda macro is missing its noexcept specifier and its constraints. Easy enough to add, right?

#define TerseLambda(...)
    [](auto&&... _args) mutable
    -> decltype(auto)
        requires requires { __VA_ARGS__; }
        auto&& _1 = nth_arg<0>(FWD(_args)...);
        auto&& _2 = nth_arg<1>(FWD(_args)...);
        auto&& _3 = nth_arg<2>(FWD(_args)...);
        auto&& _4 = nth_arg<3>(FWD(_args)...);
        return (__VA_ARGS__);

Not so fast!

Imagine what happens if we were to use our TerseLambda? This:


Becomes this:

[](auto&&... _args) mutable
-> decltype(auto)
    requires requires { _1.name(); }
    auto&& _1 = nth_arg<0>(FWD(_args)...);
    auto&& _2 = nth_arg<1>(FWD(_args)...);
    auto&& _3 = nth_arg<2>(FWD(_args)...);
    auto&& _4 = nth_arg<3>(FWD(_args)...);
    return (_1.name());

See the problem? Within the noexcept() specifier and within the requires clause, we refer to the name _1, but at this scope that doesn’t refer to anything.

tl.test.cpp:23:25: error: ‘_1’ was not declared in this scope; did you mean ‘std::placeholders::_1’?
   23 |    auto l = TerseLambda(_1 + 2);
      |                         ^~

It’s not entirely clear, but this error message is referring to the _1 inside the noexcept specifier and the requires clause, not the actual _1 within the lambda body.

Even if we foregoe the requires clause from C++20 and just stick to C++17, we’re still out-of-luck with regards to the noexcept specification. In C++17, the best we can do is the macro in the prior section, which is never noexcept and is completely unconstrained. This will work in many cases, but can subtly break in case that generic code checks on the invocability of our generated closure type.

auto func = TerseLambda(_1.name());
using FuncType = decltype(func);
static_assert(std::invocable<FuncType, person>);  // Okay: Expected
static_assert(std::invocable<FuncType, int>);     // Passes: What??

Even though calling func(12) will be a hard compile-time error, inspecting whether FuncType(int) is valid will always yield true, because the compile will not do deep inspection into the lambda body to validate it. The compile will only check whether it is callable with the given number of arguments and that the function’s constraints are satisfied. In the case of a variadic TerseLambda with no constraints, it is always invocable with any arguments. This is definitely not what we want!

C++20 Saves the Day

The C++20 requires expression is a magical beast. It will solve both the noexcept and the function constraints. It provides us will a magic ability: We can introduce new identifiers as if they were variables for the scope of the requires expression. Since noexcept and the requires clause expect a boolean constant expression, and the requires-expression evaluates to a bool, we can use requires in both cases.

The syntax of a requires-expression is mostly straightforward:

requires (<parameter-list>) {

where <parameter-list> is the same as with any function parameter list. We can declare variables here that are visible in the scope of the <requirement-list>.

We’ll start by solving the constraints on the generated lambda expression, since it is the most straightforward.

To declare the parameters of the requires-expression, we need to have the types of those parameters to declare. If we use auto&&... as the parameter list ot the lambda expression, we can’t get at those types so easily. Fortunately, C++20 allows us to provide a template parameter list to a lambda expression, thus given us a name to the variadic pack of types that have been passed to the call operator:

[&] <typename... TlArgs> (TlArgs&&...) { /* ... */ }

For reasons that will be made clear later, I will define the requires-expression as another macro:

#define TerseLambda_Requires(...)
    requires ( /* ??? */ )
    { __VA_ARGS__; }

So what do we put in ???? Consider that we need to have the same identifiers available (with identical types) to the identifiers that will be visible in the expansion of the return statement. For our purposes, that is _args, _1, _2, _3, and _4. Fortunately, _args is already visible in the scopes that we need it. We only need to find out how to declare the placeholds _1, _2 etc.

#define TerseLambda_Requires(...)
    requires (/* ??? */ _1,
              /* ??? */ _2,
              /* ??? */ _3,
              /* ??? */ _4)
    { __VA_ARGS__; }

We need to know how nth_arg is going to return within the lambda body. Fortunately, we have decltype():

template <int N, typename... Args>
using nth_arg_t = decltype(nth_arg<N>(declval<Args>()...));

#define TerseLambda_Requires(...)
    requires (nth_arg_t<0> _1,
              nth_arg_t<1> _2,
              nth_arg_t<2> _3,
              nth_arg_t<3> _4)
    { __VA_ARGS__; }

That’s all there is to it!

Putting it All Together

Here is how we use TerseLambda_Requires with our TerseLambda macro for both the constraints and the noexcept specifier:

#define TerseLambda(...)
    [&]<typename... TlArgs>
    (TlArgs&&... args) mutable
        noexcept(TerseLambda_Requires({ __VA_ARGS__ } noexcept))
    -> decltype(auto)
        requires TerseLambda_Requires(__VA_ARGS__)
        auto&& _1 = nth_arg<0>(FWD(_args)...);
        auto&& _2 = nth_arg<1>(FWD(_args)...);
        auto&& _3 = nth_arg<2>(FWD(_args)...);
        auto&& _4 = nth_arg<3>(FWD(_args)...);
        return (__VA_ARGS__);

For TerseLambda(_1.name()), the above requires-clause above expands as:

requires requires(nth_arg_t<0> _1,
                  nth_arg_t<1> _2,
                  nth_arg_t<2> _3,
                  nth_arg_t<3> _4)
        { _1.name(); }

which will only be valid when the first argument to the call operator has a callable .name() method.

As for the noexcept specifier, it expands as:

    requires(nth_arg_t<0> _1,
             nth_arg_t<1> _2,
             nth_arg_t<2> _3,
             nth_arg_t<3> _4)
    { { _1.name() } noexcept; }

Note the extra { ... } noexcept around the return-value expression: This is a syntax in requires-expressions that specifies that the expression within the braces be both valid and noexcept(true). If any of the requirements listed in a requires-expression fail, then the entire requires-expression evaluates to false. Since we are using it as the boolean parameter to a noexcept specifier, if the inner expression _1.name() is noexcept(false), then the closure type’s call operator is noexcept(false). Note that this evaluation happens only at the call site:

class person {
    string name() const noexcept;

class location {
    string name() const; // Not noexcept!

// ...

person   p;
location loc;

auto func = TerseLambda(_1.name());

// Okay:
// Also okay:
static_assert(!noexcept(func(loc))); // 'func(loc)' might throw

Because our generated closure object has proper constraints, the closure may also be used with generic APIs:

auto call_it(invocable<string> auto func) { // [1]
    string s = get_string();
    return func(s);

auto call_it(invocable<int> auto func) {  // [2]
    return func(44);

// ...

auto get_length = TerseLambda(_1.length());
auto more_than_four = TerseLambda(_1 > 4);

call_it(get_length);     // Calls [1]
call_it(more_than_four); // Calls [2]

Without the constraints, the above calls to call_it() would be ambiguous since the lambda would be arbitrarily invocable.


There are two quirks (of which I am aware) with the expression-lambda macro defined here:

Nullary Functions

If you define an expression-lambda that doesn’t use any parameters and simply returns the value of some expression:

// Creates a function that always returns 42
auto func = TerseLambda(42);

then the resulting function object is std::invocable with anything, because it doesn’t consult the parameters and is still variadic:

func("egg salad"); // Okay: Returns 42

This would make its usage with call_it in the prior example ambiguous, since it is both invocable<string> and invocable<int>.

If we want to define a terse lambda that simply returns an unparameterized expression, we’d be better off defining a new macro:

#define TerseLambda_Just(...)
    [&] () mutable
    -> decltype(auto)
        requires requires { (__VA_ARGS__); }
    { return __VA_ARGS__; }

// ...

auto func = TerseLambda_Just(42);

func();         // Okay.
func("hello");  // Invalid!

In this case, we don’t need to do any wild dance for the placeholders, since we don’t accept any arguments.

Reference Return Values

Unlike a regular lambda expression, whose return type is deduced via auto rules, our expression-lambda deduces via decltype(auto). When deducing as auto, we strip off reference types and const/volatile qualifiers:

struct person {
    const string& name() const;
    static person at_address(address);

// ...

person p;

auto           n1 = p.name();
decltype(auto) n2 = p.name();

In the above, n1, deduced via auto, will have type string, and the return value of p.name() will be copy-constructed into n1. On the other hand, n2, deduced with decltype(auto), will have type const string&, and the return value of p.name() will be captured by reference.

Now observe the following:

auto name_at_address =

In this code sample, calling func() will result in undefined behavior. The lambda body is effectively:

[](args...) -> decltype(auto) {
    address& _1 = nth_arg<0>(args...);
    decltype(auto) __tmp = person::at_address(_1);
    decltype(auto) __ret = __tmp.name();
    return __ret;

The rules of decltype(auto) return-type-deduction is that the return type is the decltype() of the return-expression. In this case, __ret is like n2 in the prior example, and has a declared type of const string&. Thus, the return type of the call, as decltype(__ret), is const std::string&.

Note that the lifetime of __ret is equivalent to the lifetime of __tmp.name(), which itself is (almost certainly) tied to the lifetime of __tmp, which is declared as a local variable person __tmp. Thus, the lifetime of the returned const std::string& is tied to the lifetime of the local variable __tmp, and will immediately go out of scope! We are turning a reference to a subobject of a local variable! Bad!

The C++ specification has a special construct that would help use here: DECAY_COPY(x). However, DECAY_COPY(x) is exposition-only, and does not actually exist in the language (yet). The semantics of DECAY_COPY(x) is to create a copy of the value-type of x by passing the declared-type of x as a sole parameter to a copy constructor, including move constructors.

We can implement a DECAY_COPY function template, actually:

template <typename T,
          typename Ret = std::remove_cvref_t<T>>
constexpr Ret decay_copy(T&& arg) noexcept(Ret(FWD(arg))) {
    return FWD(arg);

This function is guaranteed to return a value type (not a reference) by copying or moving the given arg as the first parameter of the copy/move constructor of the underlying type of arg.

We can use decay_copy with our terse lambda to enforce a non-reference return type:

auto name_at_address =

name_at_address(some_address()); // Okay!

Note that a future version of C++ may see a language-supported version of DECAY_COPY in the form of an auto(x) expression.

Other Considerations

As some homework, consider the following:

  1. Our TerseLambda always uses a default by-reference capture. This may not be wanted. Consider how to use an extra level of indirection to allow customizing this macro’s capture list.
  2. Consider how TerseLambda might behave better than a naively-hand-written lambda expression with generic APIs

Using This

While it isn’t as awesome as a language-supported version of a terse lambda syntax, I’ve found it pretty fun to use myself.

With recent updates to MSVC, this terse lambda macro now works on all major C++ compilers. A more thoroughly written version of TerseLambda is available in neo-fun as NEO_TL, and is currently available to pull via dds. Try it out. See if you can break it. Send me bug reports. Have fun!