Level - verb (used with object). levelled, levelling

To make even or flat

Brace yourself. This post ends with an informal language-addition proposal.

Exceptions have a usability problem. I’m not speaking anything of their performance characteristics, but purely in the semantic and syntactic sense. To illustrate, let’s write an example.

May I Interest You in Some Tee?

tee is a program that, at the most general sense, reads from a stream, then writes that data to both stdout and a file. I won’t implement all of tee, but I’ll make a minimal tee-like function that reads from a file, then streams that file to both stdout and a file on another path. Ignore any questions of performance or optimization, those are beside the point. I’ve omitted some namespace qualifiers to keep it short.

Here’s some pre-defined code we are working with:

 * Open the given file.
 * @throws `std::system_error`
fstream open_file(path filepath, std::ios::openmode mode);

 * Copy from the given input stream to the given output stream.
 * @throws `std::runtime_error`, `std::system_error`
void copy_stream(std::istream& input, std::ostream& output);

And here is the important code:

 * Tee the given file to `stdout` and to `out_path`.
 * Returns an error code.
error_code tee_file(path in_path, path out_path) noexcept {
    // Open the input and output files
    auto in_file = open_file(in_path, std::ios::in);
    auto out_file = open_file(out_path, std::ios::out);
    // Copy the file to the output file
    copy_stream(in_file, out_file);
    // Copy the file to stdout
    copy_stream(in_file, std::cout);
    // No error
    return error_code{};

Looks alright, except we are a noexcept function. We know that open_file and copy_stream might throw, so we need to handle these cases.

You may ask, “Why mark this noexcept, rather than let exceptions keep going?”

That’s a valid option in many cases. But pretend that our caller doesn’t want exceptions, or mentally replace tee_file with a main() function that needs to handle possible exceptions, or maybe we want to re-throw the exceptions with additional information about what step in the tee-ing process went wrong.

One of the best reasons to use exceptions is to let errors propagate upwards to whoever cares while we code against the “happy path.” But: Someone, somewhere, needs to actually catch the exceptions. For the purpose of this post, assume that we are that “someone.”

We’ll need to catch those exceptions and convert them to a std::error_code:

 * Tee the given file to `stdout` and to `out_path`.
 * Returns an error code.
error_code tee_file(path in_path, path out_path) noexcept {
    try {
        // Open the input and output files
        auto in_file = open_file(in_path, std::ios::in);
        auto out_file = open_file(out_path, std::ios::out);
        // Copy the file to the output file
        copy_stream(in_file, out_file);
        // Copy the file to stdout
        copy_stream(in_file, std::cout);
        // No error
        return error_code{};
    } catch (system_error e) {
        return e.code();
    } catch (runtime_error e) {
        return make_error_code(io_errc::stream);


That’s the end of this blog post. Hope to see you next time.

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Okay, There’s Room for Improvement…

The above example is very primitive. Perhaps our caller is fine with having only a single std::error_code to work with, but maybe not. I know I wouldn’t be. Imaging if we were communicating directlyy with the user, and all we’d be able to say to them was “No such file or directory” with no additional information or context.

We need to be able to return more information about errors that we might encounter. Let’s add some simple helper types:

 * The phases in which we might have failed to tee the data.
enum class fail_phase {

 * Failure information
struct tee_failure {
    // When we failed:
    fail_phase phase = fail_phase::none;
    // How we failed:
    std::error_code ec;

Nice. Now we need to return that from our tee_file function. Unfortunately, to implement this properly with exceptions requires that we first summit the try/catch mountain:

tee_failure tee_file(path in_path, path out_path) noexcept {
    try {
        // Open the input and output files
        auto in_file = open_file(in_path, std::ios::in);
        try {
            auto out_file = open_file(out_path, std::ios::out);
            try {
                // Copy the file to the output file
                copy_stream(in_file, out_file);
            } catch (system_error e) {
                return tee_failure{fail_phase::copy_to_file, e.code()};
            } catch (runtime_error) {
                return tee_failure{fail_phase::copy_to_file, make_error_code(io_errc::stream)};
        } catch (system_error e) {
            return tee_failure{fail_phase::open_output, e.code()};
        try {
            // Copy the file to stdout
            copy_stream(in_file, std::cout);
        } catch (system_error e) {
            return tee_failure{fail_phase::copy_to_stdout, e.code()};
        } catch (runtime_error) {
            return tee_failure{fail_phase::copy_to_stdout, make_error_code(io_errc::stream)};
    } catch (system_error e) {
        return tee_failure{fail_phase::open_input, e.code()};
    // No error
    return error_code{};


oh no

Say hello to The try/catch Mountain. It emerges when we want to handle exceptions differently while maintaining the same variable scopes. We need to open the new try/catch pair for the output file within the try/catch pair for the input file, because we need both of the file stream objects be in scope at the same *time.

But Vector! We don’t need that level of granularity when dealing with errors!

To which I respond with a question:

Have you ever had a bug report with a screenshot of a dialog box that says “Error: Permission denied.” With no other context?

Even if not for our users’ sake, consider the following issues with the try/catch mountain:

  • Error handling is in reverse order of the main logic. Handling for the input stream is pushed to the bottom of the function, as far away from the actual exception-throwing code as possible.
  • We’re indenting a bunch of code for no reason other than to satisfy having three separate error handling blocks with proper scoping.
  • You must wade through all of the catch blocks to get to the code executed after all the exception handling.
  • If code within an inner catch block throws an exception (either explicitly or implicitly), it could be caught by an outer catch block accidentally and produce bogus error information. Inner catch blocks must not throw exceptions of any type handled by the enclosing try/catch pairs (unintentionally).

A Tale of Two Stacks

We all know about the call stack. But within a single function there are at least two other stacks of particular interest to the try/catch mountain.

C++ functions have an implicit stack of object lifetimes. Every object is guaranteed to be destroyed in reverse order of construction within two {} braces (A block scope). If variable a is visible during the declaration of b, then a is guaranteed to be visible at least as long as b is visible.

C++ functions also have an explicit stack of exception handlers. The { brace after a try create a new exception handling stack “element,” which defines new exception handlers for the code within the try block. The exception handlers are “popped” from this stack when the } brace after a try is reached.

The trouble is this: C++ chose for the braces {} of a try block to also correspond directly to the block scoping for local variable names and object lifetimes.

Of course this is an intuitive first decision, but it has proven… troublesome.

The “Workaround”

Here’s a common workaround to the scoping issues by using std::optional:

optional<string> read_file(path p) {
    optional<ifstream> file;
    try {
        file = open_file(p, std::ios::in);
    } catch (system_error) {
        return nullopt;
    try {
        // Read from the file
        return read_ifstream(*file);
    } catch (runtime_error) {
        return nullopt;

Before std::optional was available, you could use boost::optional. In the case of neither, you might use std::unique_ptr to extend the lifetime, but it required a heap allocation. Ouch.

The above code might not look too bad, but imagine that we had many objects to initialize that might throw. We’ll have dozens of try/catch pairs that just initialize an optional. Furthermore, the type of file does not accurately represent its purpose: If we successfully pass through the try/catch pair, it is not optional at all.

Finding Inspiration

What we really need is a way to manipulate the “exception handler stack” distinct from the block scope (“lifetime stack”).

This post (and the enclosed informal proposal) were inspired after looking at some of Python.

Much like C++, Python has an “exception handling stack” via try/except pairs, but it also supports this additional syntax:

def read_file(path: Path) -> Optional[bytes]:
        fd = path.open('rb')
    except IOError:
        return None
    except OSError:
        return None
        return fd.read()

The above syntax, for those who are unfamiliar, defines the exception handler for IOError and OSError to apply only to the content of the preceding try block, and the else block will only execute if no exception was raised (ie, no except block was entered). There are no exception handlers in scope for the else block. Execution after an else block will continue off the block to the remainder of the function (Unless the else block returns or raises, as in the example above).

Note: The above example isn’t really a good use case for try/except/else. It is meant to be illustrative of the syntax, not a recommendation of when to use try/except/else.

One of the major differences, though, between Python and C++, and the reason Python does not suffer from a try/except mountain, is that local variables in Python are function scoped, not block scoped. This means that the fd variable in the above example is actually visible after execution leaves the try/except/else block. In fact, the else block in the example isn’t even necessary since the except blocks return from the function. The purpose of else in try/except/else is to conditionally execute some code in the case of lack-of-exceptions, not to preserve any scoping rules.

So, if Python’s scoping is so different from C++, why did try/except/else draw my attention?

Python is probably the most notable language to support this exception handling construct, but it is otherwise pretty rare. Most languages with exceptions support try/catch pairs (and often a finally block), but Python was my first encounter with a block that is reserved for exactly the purpose of the non-exception case.

People say that C++ gobbles up language features from every other programming language. How about we take this one? We’ll give it a bit of a polish, though…

And we can’t use else.

A New Language Feature: try, catch, and… continue?

If C++ were to add support a try/catch/else with the same syntax as Python, the following valid code would become ambiguous:

if (condition)
    try {
        // Do thing
    } catch (...) {
        // Do thing
else {
    // Ouch

Does the else bind to the previous if? Or to the try/catch? Best to avoid else, then.

Talking around in the Slack, there were additional concerns that the else keyword didn’t quite convey its purpose. After throwing around some ideas, like forcing else do and else try (neither of which fix the parse issue), or using try/catch/register (register is free. We’ve gotta do something with it), the best option looked to be re-using the continue keyword: continue in the context of a loop will be followed immediately by a semicolon ;, so we just need to be distinct. continue { is not a valid token sequence in C++.

Python uses function scoping, so it doesn’t have any special rules about name visibility in the else block. Since C++ uses block scoping, and we want to fix our scoping woes, we’ll need to give continue {} some special rules.

Say hello to try/catch/continue:

optional<string> read_file(path p) {
    try {
        auto file = open_file(p, std::ios::in);
    } catch (system_error) {
        return nullopt;
    } continue {
        try {
            // Read from the file
            return read_ifstream(file);
        } catch (runtime_error) {
            return nullopt;

The continue {} block must appear after one or more catch {} blocks for the preceding try{}. In addition, the continue {} block inherits the block scope of the preceding try {} block. This may seem unintuitive, but remember my favorite adage:

Don’t confuse familiarity with simplicity.

You may see some improvement, but it’s marginal:

  • We’ve converted file from an optional<ifstream> to a regular fstream, better reflecting its purpose. Cool.
  • We have moved the exception handling for the open_file() call to appear immediately after where the open_file() call appears. Nice.

But we still have some nested try/catch. Let’s convert our tee_file() function:

tee_failure tee_file(path in_path, path out_path) noexcept {
    try {
        // Open the input and output files
        auto in_file = open_file(in_path, std::ios::in);
    } catch (system_error e) {
        return tee_failure{fail_phase::open_input, e.code()};
    } continue {
        try {
            auto out_file = open_file(out_path, std::ios::out);
        } catch (system_error e) {
            return tee_failure{fail_phase::open_output, e.code()};
        } continue {
            try {
                // Copy the file to the output file
                copy_stream(in_file, out_file);
            } catch (system_error e) {
                return tee_failure{fail_phase::copy_to_file, e.code()};
            } catch (runtime_error) {
                return tee_failure{fail_phase::copy_to_file, make_error_code(io_errc::stream)};
        try {
            // Copy the file to stdout
            copy_stream(in_file, std::cout);
        } catch (system_error e) {
            return tee_failure{fail_phase::copy_to_stdout, e.code()};
        } catch (runtime_error) {
            return tee_failure{fail_phase::copy_to_stdout, make_error_code(io_errc::stream)};
    // No error
    return error_code{};

Okay, so we’ve just turned our mountain upside-down. I mean, I feel that its already an improvement:

  • Exception handling is close to the exception-generating code
  • The catch blocks are free to throw exceptions without worrying about any enclosing handlers unintentionally catching it.

But… we need to go deeper.

Another syntax: continue try {}. What does it do? Well, if continue {} “pops” the exception-handler “stack” without replacing block scope, then continue try {} replaces the top of the exception handler stack without replacing block scope. Here’s the small example with read_file():

optional<string> read_file(path p) {
    try {
        auto file = open_file(p, std::ios::in);
    } catch (system_error) {
        return nullopt;
    // Read from the file
    continue try {
        return read_ifstream(file);
    } catch (runtime_error) {
        return nullopt;

We can follow continue try {} with more catch {} blocks, where the immediately following catch {} blocks apply to the preceding continue try {} block.

But wait, there’s more!*

We can append more continue [try] {} blocks!

Finally, let’s fulfil the title of this post, and level that mountain:

tee_failure tee_file(path in_path, path out_path) noexcept {
    try {
        // Open the input file
        auto in_file = open_file(in_path, std::ios::in);
    } catch (system_error e) {
        return tee_failure{fail_phase::open_input, e.code()};
    continue {
        try {
            // Open the output file
            auto out_file = open_file(out_path, std::ios::out);
        } catch (system_error e) {
            return tee_failure{fail_phase::open_output, e.code()};
        continue try {
            // Copy the file to the output file
            copy_stream(in_file, out_file);
        } catch (system_error e) {
            return tee_failure{fail_phase::copy_to_file, e.code()};
        } catch (runtime_error) {
            return tee_failure{fail_phase::copy_to_file, make_error_code(io_errc::stream)};
        try {  /// [NOTE NOTE NOTE: See below]
            // Copy the file to stdout
            copy_stream(in_file, std::cout);
        } catch (system_error e) {
            return tee_failure{fail_phase::copy_to_stdout, e.code()};
        } catch (runtime_error) {
            return tee_failure{fail_phase::copy_to_stdout, make_error_code(io_errc::stream)};
        // No error
        return error_code{};

And there it is. We have lowered the mountain of try/catch to a sequence of try/catch/continue blocks with a slight hill.

Each continue try {} block establishes a new set of exception handlers while maintaining the scope of the prior [continue] try {}. Object lifetimes end at the } of the final continue [try] {} block, and that brings us to…

The Biggest Downside

For as long as C++ has existed, we’ve been able to know without a doubt that the lifetime of an object ends at the closing } brace for the block in which the object is declared. With try/catch/continue, we’d be giving up on that guarantee when we see a } catch. One will have to look for a continue [try] { to check.

Take a look at the NOTE NOTE NOTE comment in the above sample. You will see that we do not use a continue try but a regular try. All previous snippets have had the lifetime of out_file end before we write to stdout, ensuring that we flush and close the file as soon as we are done with it. If we change try to continue try, the lifetime of the out_file object will silently extend even though we don’t make use of it in any later blocks.

An earlier draft of this post had out_file live during the copy std stdout, and I was able to get a straight-sequence of continue try blocks without having to indent two levels. In refactoring to close out_file as soon as possible, I found that I had trouble exactly defining how to format and structure the code. It would seem that continue try makes lifetimes more complicated? Maybe… Or perhaps the lifetime issues are just intrinsic to this tee program and I face them whether I use continue try or a try/catch mountain. I can get the same desired effect with a slight refactoring to call close() explicitly:

tee_failure tee_file(path in_path, path out_path) noexcept {
    try {
        // Open the input file
        auto in_file = open_file(in_path, std::ios::in);
    } catch (system_error e) {
        return tee_failure{fail_phase::open_input, e.code()};
    continue try {
        // Open the output file
        auto out_file = open_file(out_path, std::ios::out);
    } catch (system_error e) {
        return tee_failure{fail_phase::open_output, e.code()};
    // Copy the file to the output file
    continue try {
        copy_stream(in_file, out_file);
    } catch (system_error e) {
        return tee_failure{fail_phase::copy_to_file, e.code()};
    } catch (runtime_error) {
        return tee_failure{fail_phase::copy_to_file, make_error_code(io_errc::stream)};
    // Close the file explicitly
    continue try { out_file.close(); }
    catch (...) { /* Ignore failure to close */ }
    // Copy the file to stdout
    continue try {
        copy_stream(in_file, std::cout);
    } catch (system_error e) {
        return tee_failure{fail_phase::copy_to_stdout, e.code()};
    } catch (runtime_error) {
        return tee_failure{fail_phase::copy_to_stdout, make_error_code(io_errc::stream)};
    // No error
    continue {
        return error_code{};

We even get to flatten our hill the rest of the way.

All this trouble, and would it be worth it? I think so. But maybe you don’t agree? Tell me what you think, and I might make a more formal proposal.

* In what percentage of my blog posts do you think I use this video?