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Interface Kit


  • Kit



Optional cmakeSettings

cmakeSettings: undefined | object

Additional settings to pass to CMake

Optional compilers

compilers: undefined | object

The language compilers.

The key lang is the language, as in CMAKE_<lang>_COMPILER. The corresponding value is a path to a compiler for that language.

Optional environmentVariables

environmentVariables: proc.EnvironmentVariables

Additional environment variables for the kit

Optional keep

keep: undefined | true | false

If true, keep this kit around even if it seems out-of-date


name: string

The name of the kit

Optional preferredGenerator

preferredGenerator: CMakeGenerator

The preferred CMake generator for this kit

Optional toolchainFile

toolchainFile: undefined | string

Path to a CMake toolchain file.

Optional visualStudio

visualStudio: undefined | string

The visual studio name. This corresponds to a name returned by vswhere, and is used to look up the path to the VS installation when the user selects this kit

Optional visualStudioArchitecture

visualStudioArchitecture: undefined | string

The architecture for the kit. This is used when asking for the architecture from the dev environment batch file.

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