Common Issues and Resolutions

There are a few frequently appearing issues in the CMake Tools issue tracker. Make sure you’ve checked that your issue isn’t already solved here before submitting a question or bug report.

I see: ‘CMake Tools’ is unable to provide IntelliSense configuration …

If you are seeing this informational pop-up appear, or are seeing that #include directives are not resolving in the editor (you see a green underline on the #include directive), this means that the relevant source file is not attached to a CMake Target.


The target of a failing #include directive need not be a source file of your target. This is only concerning the file containing the failing #include directive!

If the file which receives this message is outside of your project, it is safe to ignore it.

If you are receiving this message for files within your project, it means you probably need to add the source file to a target.

This is most common with header files in a project. Header files should be included in the source list of a target. Even though CMake will not try to compile or process these headers in any special way, CMake Tools uses this information in a variety of places to provide a better user experience.

I see green underlines/squiggles beneath my #include directives in my source files

The “Debug” button and “Debug target” features are ignoring my launch.json

If you wish to specify additional debugging options, and/or use a different debugging engine, refer to Debugging with CMake Tools and launch.json.


The target debugging feature is restricted to launching target executables with a default configuration in cpptools’ debugging engine.