.. _faq: Frequently Asked Questions ########################## How Can I Get Help? ******************* CMake Tools is a volunteer-run project. You can ask around for help in the `end-user support Gitter chat `_. Also look in the :ref:`troubleshooting guide `. You can always open a `GitHub issue `_ if all else fails. What About CMake Language Support? ********************************** CMake Tools was create separately from the `CMake extension `_, which provides language coloring and autocompletion support. I'm New to CMake. Help? *********************** CMake Tools is not the same as CMake. There are many great resources around to learn how to use CMake. A good video introduction can be found in Jason Turner's `C++ Weekly - Intro to CMake `_. `CMake's documentation `_ is also available. How Does it Work with C and C++ IntelliSense? ********************************************* Orthogonally. Check the :ref:`How-do-I about IntelliSense `. How Do I ````? ******************* Refer to the :ref:`how-do-i` page. Will CMake Tools Ever Support ````? **************************************** Only if you voice support for it as a `GitHub issue `_. Open an feature request or search for and provide feedback for an existing one!